Stepping Stones Children's Center

Playing in the 2 room at Stepping Stones Childrens Center in Charleston

Eating breakfast at Stepping Stones Childrens Center in Charleston.

Recent news
On March 15th, 5 Stepping Stones employees from our Mattoon Facility attended an ALICE training to help us better understand the steps that need to be taken and what to do in the case of an active shooter intrusion. We are hopeful to bring this course to all Stepping Stones employees soon.
Please click the link below to find out more information about the ALICE training.
Over the summer of 2017 Stepping Stones Children's Center of Charleston was awarded their Silver Circle of Quality from the Excelerate Illinois program.
Please click the link below to find out more about this fantastic program!

Illinois Early Learning And Developmental Standards
The Preschool classrooms have begun posting the developmental standards for parents to be able to see how thier child is learning and growing. These are standards that your child’s teacher is fulfilling each and every day. After attending an all day Professional Development class on the new benchmarks we have decided that as educators it is important to have more parent involvement in the classrooms and day to day activities. As a result we have determined that letting parents know which benchmarks we are working on during the children’s day would be a way to get you more involved. We will be posting benchmarks on the bulletin board outside of the classrooms and will also be placing stickers on the front or back of some of the work that is sent home. We are hopeful that in making you as parents more aware of what your child is doing and learning throughout the day, we can work better as a team in order to help your child grow and learn.
We are very excited for this new change and cannot wait to share this experience with you and watch your child grow and learn. As with any new situation if there are questions or concerns please feel free to talk with us. We are here for you and your child and to create a wonderful loving learning environment for your child to succeed in.